4 pm Tuesday, April 29, 2014
New Mexico Attorney General’s Office
408 Galisteo St., Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
New Mexicans are learning the terrible truth: Attorney General Gary King is directly responsible for letting the police get out of control, gunning down civilians with extreme violence and unnecessary force in Albuquerque and across our beautiful, now blood-drenched, state.
Gary King’s office has never pursued criminal charges against any of the Albuquerque police officers described in the 46-page DOJ report on Albuquerque police violence released this month. King also serves as the Chair of the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy (LEA) and in that capacity could have pushed to decertify officers found to have engaged in the unjustified use of force.
Their failure to pursue charges has meant that the culture of aggression at APD described by the DOJ is reinforced by an expectation of impunity among APD officers that is a result of District Attorney and Attorney General inaction. Nearly all the officers described in the DOJ report have been promoted by APD and celebrated for their exemplary police work, rather than charged for their criminal behavior.
1) We demand criminal indictments of killer cops.
2) We demand comprehensive overhaul of New Mexico’s police training curriculum with establishment of robust, mandatory training for all law enforcement officers in de-escalation tactics, mental health / crisis intervention and non-violence communication skills.
3) We demand IPRA enforcement with release of all public documents and films regarding State Police, APD and other police agencies’ documented cases of excessive force and police brutality.
We demand justice for James “Abba” Boyd. We demand justice for Mary Hawkes, Alfred Redwine, Keith Ellis III, Jeanette Anaya, and all New Mexico citizens victimized by police brutality. We act in solidarity with them…
As we join forces with all concerned New Mexicans to demand accountability from the Attorney General’s Office. We demand action!
In solidarity,