Lizard Squad Racked There way up with numerous High profile ddos attacks grounding the gaming community causing player who just wanted to player there game un able to in Just a Shorty Period of time Now Unlike Derpatrolling who streak lasted for month Lizard squad wrote a farewell message after a post claiming two of their members were arrested now from the so called dox you seen on the internet It appears most of them are outside the us but it wasn’t the ddos attacks that landed Lizard Squad all the Attention in a week’s time it was the Bomb threat on Flight 362 which had Sony president J On board at the time. Either they were brave and bold to do so consider act of terrorism is punishable by death in time of war and No shocker when is America not a war if this Isis threat going around. Lizard Squad has even went on to claim they are part of ISIS now we know this isn’t true More like Bored wannbe Skid with nothing better to do. But little do kids like them know these such claims and the bomb threat would land them on about everyone government watch list out of the nato countries which basically means your fucked, But with the slow response time they have on tracking down hacker I don’t know if you want to call them that more like “Script Kiddies” which is what they are and bring them to justice seem to be rather slow
I have been Getting blown up with tweets since the ordeal went down many thanks from the gaming world as a gamer myself we just want to be left in peace but little did lizard squad know they went after the wrong game and made a group of people mad very fast shorty after that happen it wasn’t but 3 days and lizard squad hung it all up and walked away or did they?
A tweet went out 5:58pm · 6 Sep 2014 · from there twitter web client as you can see stating many things are they going to return if so what will be there plan.
It seem it would be there best interest to stay away and keep low to the ground after being owned and shut down What do you think leave us your comment @ActivistRev
I have been Getting blown up with tweets since the ordeal went down many thanks from the gaming world as a gamer myself we just want to be left in peace but little did lizard squad know they went after the wrong game and made a group of people mad very fast shorty after that happen it wasn’t but 3 days and lizard squad hung it all up and walked away or did they?
A tweet went out 5:58pm · 6 Sep 2014 · from there twitter web client as you can see stating many things are they going to return if so what will be there plan.
It seem it would be there best interest to stay away and keep low to the ground after being owned and shut down What do you think leave us your comment @ActivistRev