After doing extensive research on this ever so growing topic Geoenginerring does still make today, why today why is this going on? Governments seem to not wanna talk much about their effort on why they do these things, but are clearly set in their own mind if they don't not continue these efforts on what they call saving the plant that if they were to stop Geoenginerring they plant would fall apart in under a year now there is no facts to base the claims that they have made or any facts that what they are doing with hundreds of protests is exactly helping our planet at all. More facts seem to stack up against GeoEnginerring with the facts, weighing in on the negative side Now you may ask what is Geoenginerring for those who don't already know about this key issue
Geoengineering is the application of geosciences, where mechanics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and geology are used to understand and shape our interaction with the earth. Geoengineers work in areas of mining, including surface and subsurface excavations, and rock burst mitigation; energy, including hydraulic fracturing and drilling for exploration and production of water, oil, or gas; infrastructure, including underground transportation systems and isolation of nuclear and hazardous wastes; and environment, including groundwater flow, contaminant transport and remediation, and hydraulic structures.
But let not forget there is also
That all fall under this as well this has been going on for a long time I am sure you have all watched these unusual clouds in the sky and imagine they are contrails well check again they are Known as Chemtrails. Another weapon in the GeoEniginerring Game that plagues our world today by spraying chemical or biological agents some known Agents are described as barium and aluminum salts, polymer fibers, thorium, or silicon carbide. Now why are you spraying aluminum in the air, which I same sure they will deny all facts, but people all around the world are finding aluminum in the rain water after Collecting and testing rain after that they collected Now why is Aluminum being found in the rain if these such called spraying are contrails and not chemical sprays that are put out by jets. Why was airtran caught spraying chemical over northwest Florida near Eglin Air Force base?
It's clear this is all a massive coverup by the United State Government No shocker as they are known to cover up many things and have a history of doing So from 9/11 to Benghazi to GeoEnginerring projects and programs
Ask yourself this, are you going to sit by and watch your kids, your grandkids features before torn apart by a tyrannical Government who bases it's facts of Lies or are going to join the Revolution and help make a change.
Geoengineering is the application of geosciences, where mechanics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and geology are used to understand and shape our interaction with the earth. Geoengineers work in areas of mining, including surface and subsurface excavations, and rock burst mitigation; energy, including hydraulic fracturing and drilling for exploration and production of water, oil, or gas; infrastructure, including underground transportation systems and isolation of nuclear and hazardous wastes; and environment, including groundwater flow, contaminant transport and remediation, and hydraulic structures.
But let not forget there is also
- Climate engineering
- Environmental engineering
- Geoprofessions
- Outline of geoengineering
- Planetary engineering
That all fall under this as well this has been going on for a long time I am sure you have all watched these unusual clouds in the sky and imagine they are contrails well check again they are Known as Chemtrails. Another weapon in the GeoEniginerring Game that plagues our world today by spraying chemical or biological agents some known Agents are described as barium and aluminum salts, polymer fibers, thorium, or silicon carbide. Now why are you spraying aluminum in the air, which I same sure they will deny all facts, but people all around the world are finding aluminum in the rain water after Collecting and testing rain after that they collected Now why is Aluminum being found in the rain if these such called spraying are contrails and not chemical sprays that are put out by jets. Why was airtran caught spraying chemical over northwest Florida near Eglin Air Force base?
It's clear this is all a massive coverup by the United State Government No shocker as they are known to cover up many things and have a history of doing So from 9/11 to Benghazi to GeoEnginerring projects and programs
Ask yourself this, are you going to sit by and watch your kids, your grandkids features before torn apart by a tyrannical Government who bases it's facts of Lies or are going to join the Revolution and help make a change.