in order to build a peaceful future, Palestinians must have full freedom' of movement, to travel and trade freely, to and from the port of Gaza and throughout Palestine. A lasting peace can only be achieved by fully, permanently and unconditionally lifting the blockade imposed on Gaza and by restoring Palestinian rights under international law.
♦ do everything in their power to press Israel to lift all restrictions on the freedom of movement and trade imposed on Palestinians, including allowing the internationally owned Gaza's Ark to sail safely from Gaza without obstacles;
♦ demand that Israeli authorities respect the full territorial waters of Palestine, including the right of Palestinians to fish at least 20 nautical miles from the coast of Gaza and safely access all their lands, to conduct other peaceful activities throughout their entire economic zone, and to freely access international waters as other coastal nations do;
♦ call for the immediate return of all boats seized by Israel, both Palestinian fishing boats from Gaza, and all the vessels from international solidarity sailings to challenge the blockade, and for payment of full financial compensation to owners for the extended loss of use of their boats and equipment.